Security News Every Day
6 0 · d e t e k t o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l
of the provisions introduced by
Italian Ministerial Decree no. 269
and the private security company
certification system in accordance
with art. 260-ter of Presidential
Decree no. 153 of 4th August
Road Safety at 360 degrees is
a series of seminars organised by
ANVU, the Italian Association of
Local Police Officers, about road
safety. The event will be focused
on the experience of the Police
Departments of the Lombardy
Region, on the alleged offences
of street murder, road safety edu-
cational experiences and on the
Judicial Police activity in traffic
accident notification.
Finally, Security of sites at risk
the strategic partnership with
UNICRI, the department of the
United Nations responsible for
strengthening sites at risk, has also
been renewed for 2012. It is an
international event that will bring
together representatives from
institutions, security managers of
large sites and product and solu-
tion suppliers.
The Security & Safety Award will
take place alongside the fair. It
singles out the best products and
solutions presented by exhibitors
in the three competition catego-
ries: Innovation, Friendly Product
and Design. n
focus specifically on Milan and
will provide an overview of the
struggle against major and minor
crime in Italy. It is an opportu-
nity to bring the local authorities
of Milan, the public prosecutor
and some of the leading video
device manufacturers together to
take stock of the situation.
The IP Security Forum
is organised by Ethos Media
Group, which publishes the
magazine A&S Italy, and for
the first time the event will take
place as part of Sicurezza in Fiera
Milano which is the last stop
on a roadshow through Italy. The
event will offer an opportunity
for training and continuing edu-
cation to installers and techni-
cians interested in the potential
and advantages of an innovative
technological approach that has
become reality in Europe.
The Money Security seminar
will be about the effects of the
limitation of cash use, the evolu-
tion of cash handling and secu-
rity for wholesalers and retailers,
and how local banks will change.
Regulatory framework
and road safety
The seminar entitled, The new
regulatory framework and
the private security company
certification system, is organised
by ASSIV, and this seminar will
report on the full application
initiatives. The States General of
Security in Italy organised by
ANIE Sicurezza and Assosi-
curezza, Fiera Milano and the
principal associations in the sec-
tor, will offer an opportunity for
direct dialogue with the institu-
tions. The market situation will
be discussed but attention will
be focused on the integration of
plants and their optimum use,
the development of skills and
technological innovation.
The seminar Security
and Privacy: how to balance
needs, projects and installa-
tions with the legislation and
regulations currently in force
is organised by the magazine
Antifurto&Security (EPC Peri-
odici), in collaboration with the
Federprivacy association, and is
designed for security profes-
sionals who have to deal with
privacy-related problems and
regulatory obligations.
Urban security
and money security
The Urban security: the Milan
model is a conference organ-
ised by the magazine Sicurezza
Gruppo Il Sole 24 Ore, and will
In 2010, Sicurezza saw
an increase in visitor
numbers by 16 percent and 7.5
percent of the visitors came from
abroad. Some 373 exhibitors were
demonstrating their latest prod-
ucts and 123 of them were foreign
companies. In total, the exhibitors
represented 24 countries.
The top five exhibitor countries
were USA (18 companies), Ger-
many (14), United Kingdom (13),
China (12) and France (10).
The exhibition did undergo a
major reorganisation in 2010, and
included new thematic areas and
visitor categories, with particular
attention dedicated to institutions,
police and international organisa-
This year, Sicurezza will con-
tain sectors for anti-intrusion, fire
prevention, passive defence and
home & building automation,
intelligence and anti-terrorism,
products and services for the Po-
lice and private security firms.
There will be numerous special-
ist seminars and communication
events / preview
7-9 November, Sicurezza, Milan
Will Sicurezza overcome the crisis?
Sicurezza, the biggest security show in Italy, will be
held in the Fiera Milano, Milan, 7-9 November. In
2010, the biennial show attracted some 13,665 visi-
tors and 373 exhibitors.
In 2010, the biennial show attracted some 13,665 visitors and 373 exhibitors.