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Security News Every Day ­
Security News Every Day ­
Using GSM jammers the burglars can block your
alarm's communication system and rob your
home without you knowing it. Out smart them
before they get a chance to outsmart you. Use
our brand new GSM Jamming Detector. The
innovative technology detects jamming signals
over a long distance and alerts your security
system of any imminent danger!
Problems with cars being stolen, dissa pearing
from the maps of your satellite surveillance
Contact us.
C l a w T e c h n o l o g i e s , s . r . o . · H v i e z d o s l a v o v o n á m . 1 4 · 8 1 1 0 2 B r a t i s l a v a · S l o v a k i a
GSM Jamming Detection Technology