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www. securityworldhotel.com
Security News Every Day
www. securityworldhotel.com
Using GSM jammers the burglars can block your
alarm's communication system and rob your
home without you knowing it. Out smart them
before they get a chance to outsmart you. Use
our brand new GSM Jamming Detector. The
innovative technology detects jamming signals
over a long distance and alerts your security
system of any imminent danger!
Problems with cars being stolen, dissa pearing
from the maps of your satellite surveillance
Contact us.
C l a w T e c h n o l o g i e s , s . r . o . · H v i e z d o s l a v o v o n á m . 1 4 · 8 1 1 0 2 B r a t i s l a v a · S l o v a k i a
GSM Jamming Detection Technology