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Detektor International nr. 3 - 2016
Innehåll i korthet:
The times, they are a-changin’
How to deliver adequate power to security devices in industrial sites
Where is the access control market heading?
Canon hands over sales and marketing of their network video portfolio to Axis
Detektor International nr. 2 - 2016
Innehåll i korthet:
IFSEC 2016 - a very special edition
Healthy growth rate for surveillance market to 2022
ONVIF toughens stance on false compliance claims
IFSEC is ready to deal with security issues in London
Detektor International nr. 1 - 2016
Innehåll i korthet:
More acquisitions to come in 2016
Smartphones – a potential key to access control?
Intersec attracted more than 30,000 visitors
Secured construction sites along the $1.25 billion Eurasia Tunnel
Detektor International nr. 4 - 2015
Innehåll i korthet:
China takes the fast track to the future
Detektor meets up with leading security product providers from China, Taiwan and South Korea
Efficiency management is key for Genetec
Here they are – the DIA winners 2015
Detektor International nr. 3 - 2015
Innehåll i korthet:
Bosch secures Turkish airport
Big changes ahead for access control market
Physical Security market to reach $105 B
”Very sad but rational”
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