Detektor International - Arkiv
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Detektor International nr. 2 - 2010
Innehåll i korthet:
The glory days are over
Simon Nach, Senior Marketing Manager at Sony Europe
Integrating specialist systems with IP-CCTV
Pixim helps extract useful pictures at steel mill
Detektor International nr. 1 - 2010
Innehåll i korthet:
Think ROI
Network cameras reinforces service delivery at Fiumicino Airport Rome
European security technology market and the impact of the recession
Detektor International nr. 4 - 2009
Innehåll i korthet:
Intelligent Video Analysis
German technology behind video surveillance solutions in 22 stadiums in Greece.
Oliver Vellacott, CEO, IndigoVision:
New Study
Detektor International nr. 3 - 2009
Innehåll i korthet:
Image Quality – a matter of usability
H.264 facts and fiction
Siemens Airport Centre – Busy fake airport
Young S. Moon, Suprema
Detektor International nr. 2 - 2009
Innehåll i korthet:
IP is here to stay
Camera manufacturers Arecont Vision and IQinVision
Security systems manufacturers Cisco and DVTel
Trends in network video surveillance
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