Detektor International - Content

Please find some of the editorial content of a recent issue of Detektor International presented below.

Detektor International no. 4 - 2007

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Editor's comment
Security contributes to profitability
The technical development of products and systems for the security market is at an intense stage. The shift from analogue to digital technology is ongoing and creates completely new opportunities for suppliers as well as for users.
Technology in Application
Running rings under Stockholm
Like many 21st Century cities, Stockholm has suffered in recent years from both increasing volumes of traffic and an increasing population that have put evergreater strains on its infrastructure. In the 1990´s the various municipal bodies that govern the city agreed on a semi-underground ring-road for Stockholm, a massive engineering project that would involve tunnelling under the suburbs of the city to provide roads that would otherwise have to be built through housing, office and park land above ground.
Business news
PIPS Technology becomes a part of Federal Signal
Federal Signal Corporation (NYSE: FSS), aquires PIPS Technology, a privately-held developer an manufacturer of automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) systems.
Product news
Card printer software provides centralised production
Fargo Electronics, Inc., introduce the OnQueue card production software, a scalable application that transforms multiple stand-alone ID card printers into one centralised system for large-volume card production.
Security Exhibition Review
ASIS - Las Vegas, Biometrics - London, Homeland Security - Istambul, Sectech - Stockholm
All time record in Las Vegas. Dedicated event for biometrics technologies marks its 10th anniversary. Slow show in Istanbul. Huge success for Sectech expo in Stockholm. Kick-off for the global security industry 2008 in Dubai.