Detektor International - Content

Please find some of the editorial content of a recent issue of Detektor International presented below.

Detektor International no. 3 - 2011

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Technology in Application
Managed video surveillance at MMArena at Le Mans
At the new multisport MMArena in Le Mans, 106 video surveillance cameras are network inter-linked on a fibre optic loop and controlled by Xprotect Corporate video management software from Milestone.
Detektor Security Academy
Infrastructure for efficient IP surveillance
When talking about IP surveillance the first things that spring to mind are often cameras, resolution, storage or video analysis. The backbone of the systems, the network infrastructure that makes everything possible, is often left behind in the discussion. However, to obtain maximum effect and image quality you need efficient use of available bandwidth.
The Interview
“We shall become the Microsoft of VMS”
Milestone President & CEO Lars Thinggaard
Danish Milestone Systems is the acknowledged global market leader in video management software and the company continues to grow rapidly. Last year, revenues grew by 56 per cent and during the first half of 2011, Milestone has increased staff by 20 per cent.
Detektor met up with the Milestone CEO Lars Thinggaard in Copenhagen. He believes Milestone will reach 80 per cent market share within eight to ten years.
Editor's comment
Confidence and Security-as-a-Service – the way to combat hard times
Just as we thought we were out of the deep financial crisis in Europe, the economies of Greece and Italy, followed by the long term troubles for Ireland, Spain and Portugal, brought us back to square one and hard times
are here yet again.
So what does it mean for the security industry? How is the security industry approaching the market? In general, what is being offered to the market? And, what is the strategy being presented to the market?