Detektor International - Content

Please find some of the editorial content of a recent issue of Detektor International presented below.

Detektor International no. 2 - 2006

Editor's comment
NEC - the place to be!
As a yearly meeting point for the global security industry IFSEC really has no competition. It is THE show for the world of security.
Technology in Application
DHL delivers in Sweden with Bewator Security
When 4.2 million customers rely on you to fulfil more than 1 billion shipments every year, you had better ensure that your security is the best. The solution for DHL Solutions Örebro warehouse in Sweden was a unique system that fully integrates intruder alarms, access control and fire warning systems, not to mention personal attack alarms and environmental functions such as lighting.
Business news
Honeywell acquires Gardiner
ADI, a leading low voltage and security distributor, announced its parent, Honeywell (NYSE: HON) would acquire Gardiner Groupe Europe from Electra Partners Europe, a private equity firm, to strengthen ADI´s scope in security distribution throughout Europe.
Product news
Next generation number plate capture camera
Derwent introduces REG-L1, the next generation of advanced performance number plate capture cameras from the REG family of products.
Security Exhibition Review
IIPSEC - Coventry, Intersec - Dubai, Secutech - Taipei
Another success for the pure IP security event in Coventry. Intersec confirmed its No 1 position in the Middle East. Secutech in Taipei - better than ever!