Detektor International - Content

Please find some of the editorial content of a recent issue of Detektor International presented below.

Detektor International no. 1 - 2018
Security Technology Inside
The electronic perimeter protection
Industry leader´s views on the fast growing sub-market
Research shows that the perimeter protection market is forecasted to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 12.2 per cent until 2022. The security professionals interviewed in this article also have positive views of this market.
“With the added threat of terrorism, and the atrocities that we have seen over the last few years, perimeters have become more and more important to protect”, says Axis co-founder Martin Gren.
Voice of the Security Market
How will the GDPR mandate affect physical security systems?
There has been a lot of content published already on the EU GDPR, which becomes enforceable on 25th May 2018. Yet, given the unique challenges involved, surprisingly little action and preparation has taken place to prepare for the ensuring compliance required for operating video surveillance, access control and other physical security systems, writes Jean-Philippe Deby, Genetec´s Business Development Director for Europe.
Affärsutveckling i säkerhetsbranschen
IoT & security systems - Part 1
ID and access control
What implications does IoT have for ID and access control and how can it strengthen the end-users’ business? How can you address the security issues that come with IoT?
Detektor IoT Academy had a closer look at how ID and access control and IoT can create business opportunities for vendors and provide major benefits for the end-users.
Security Technology Market
Top video surveillance predictions for 2018
From artificial intelligence and deep learning to advances in privacy protection, far-reaching video-surveillance innovations are cropping up around the world. New trends continue to change the way consumers, businesses and machines interact, while also spurring the next revolution in security industry growth, according to a new white paper from IHS Markit, a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions.