Detektor International - Content

Please find some of the editorial content of a recent issue of Detektor International presented below.

Detektor International no. 1 - 2006

Editor's comment
Europe´s No1 Security Magazine
Detektor is positioned as number one not only in the European, MiddleEastern and African (EMEA) markets, but also in the Nordic market. Furthermore the magazine holds fifth position (shared with A&S) in the UK Market, according to the IMS report.
Technology in Application
National historic treasure protected by modern IP technology
The Hotel Northampton, a registered property in the National trust for Historic Preservation, had unique challenges for a new security system implemented by Viocen, Inc. The solution is flexible IP video surveillance using Milestone Systems software that allows wireless access and integration with other devices.
Business news
Viisage acquires SecuriMetrics
Viisage Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: VISG) recently announced that it has acquire privately-held SecuriMetrics, Inc., the manufacturer of the world´s only full-function handheld iris recognition and multi-modal biometric devices, software applications and services.
Product news
Supercharged Infra-Red Illuminator
Derwent ´s new SuperLED uses high efficiency LEDs to maximise IR output, using only the minimum of power.
Security Exhibition Review
Biometrics - London, Safety & Security Asia - Singapore
Biometrics - a security event becoming more important every year. Safety & Security Asia - a small event showing signs of growth.